BlueMark CEO登壇ウェビナー|インパクト・アカウンタビリティの時代 〜 インパクト・パフォーマンス、報告、検証の課題



このウェビナーでは、インパクトの創出への移行に注目し、報告や検証を含め、インパクト・パフォーマンスに関する期待の変遷を取り上げます。ゲストであるBlueMark(独立したインパクト検証会社で、インパクト・パフォーマンスに関する考え方や市場の進展について信頼できる報告等を発表していることで知られています)CEOのChristina Leijonhufvud氏からは、インパクト・パフォーマンスの報告および検証に関する課題提示を行った上で、これらに関するグローバルな主要動向について講演いただきます*。

また、日本側のコメンテーターとして、福山周氏(株式会社三菱UFJ銀行 サステナブルビジネス部 環境社会リスク管理グループ 調査役)と中村将人氏(GLIN Impact Capital代表パートナー)の2名より、インパクトの検証およびインパクト・パフォーマンスの報告に関してコメントをいただきます。



*2022年4月発行「Raising the Bar report」および2022年6月発行「third annual Making the Mark report」をご参照ください。


Christina Leijonhufvud 氏(CEO, BlueMark)



福山 周 氏(株式会社三菱UFJ銀行 サステナブルビジネス部 環境社会リスク管理グループ 調査役)

2017年より、途上国の気候変動課題のために設立された緑の気候基金(Green Climate Fund)の認証機関業務に従事。2021年3月、本邦の民間金融機関として初めて三菱UFJ銀行が「インパクト投資の運用原則」に署名した際に行内外の調整を主導。現在は、融資する案件の環境社会リスク管理、MUFG環境社会ポリシーの改訂業務、「インパクト投資の運用原則」に則った案件管理を担う。

中村 将人 氏(GLIN Impact Capital代表パートナー)

国内外の未上場企業に対してインパクト投資や、上場企業に対する ESG経営戦略策定支援や開示支援等を行う。 総合商社での途上国事業や新規事業開発、 ハーバードビジネススクールMBA(Impact Investing Club President)、米国Acumen Fundを経てインパクト/ESG投資や事業開発に従事し、20 20年にGLIN Impact Capitalを創業。


今田 克司(SIMI代表理事)


日時: 2022年6月22日(水)9:00-10:30
共同主催: GSG国内諮問委員会、インパクト志向金融宣言、(一財)社会変革推進財団(SIIF)、(一財)社会的インパクト・マネジメント・イニシアチブ(SIMI)、
言語: 英語(日本語同時通訳なし)
参加費: 無料


Webinar: The Era of Impact Accountability – Tackling the Question of Impact Performance, Reporting and Verification

In the fast-evolving field of impact investing, practicing IMM (Impact Measurement and Management) has quickly become a norm in the span of several years. Now, stakeholders are shifting focus from practice (i.e., management) to practice and performance (i.e., management as well as delivery of impact).

In this webinar, we will pay attention to this shift and discuss the expectations around impact performance, including reporting and verification. BlueMark, an independent impact verification company, is leading the impact investing industry in establishing and maintaining trust from stakeholders on the claim of impact. Christina Leijonhufvud, BlueMark’s CEO, will speak about the issue of impact performance reporting (Raising the Bar report,* published in April 2022) and verification (third annual Making the Mark report,* to be published in June 2022), and provide insights on the key trends and central concerns of these subjects.

We will then hear from two Japanese commentators who will comment on the issue of impact verification and impact performing reporting. The discussion afterwards will focus on the lessons-learned from the global trend in impact performance and how those working on impact in Japan could chart a way forward to be part of the global community in placing impact at the center of finance.

(* see:


Christina Leijonhufvud,CEO, BlueMark

Christina Leijonhufvud is the CEO of BlueMark, an independent impact verification business, where she is responsible for leading all aspects of the business strategy, new product development, and external relations. Christina has overseen over 65 verification assignments across an array of investor types and asset classes. As a Co-Founder of Tideline, BlueMark’s sister company, she also oversees the firm’s strategy and operations and has led many of the firm’s consulting engagements with leading asset managers and institutional investors. Christina is an active member of the G7 Impact Taskforce, where she works in collaboration with global leaders in business, impact investing, and public policy to improve “Impact Transparency, Integrity and Reporting.” Prior to Tideline, Christina was a Managing Director at J.P. Morgan where she created and launched J.P. Morgan’s Social Finance business, a novel investment banking unit that published seminal research on impact investing. Christina holds a MSc from the London School of Economics, MA from George Washington University, and a BA from UCLA.


Chika Fukuyama, Vice President, Social & Environmental Risk Management Department, Sustainable Business Division, MUFG Bank Ltd.

Chika started her career as an E&S specialist when she joined Social & Environmental Risk Assessment Office in 2018. The office has then developed into Environment and Social Risk Management Department; one of the three groups constituting Sustainable Business Division Tokyo Japan (“SBD”), where she currently works. At SBD, she is chiefly responsible for conducting E&S impacts and risks assessment of large greenfield projects globally in accordance with the Equator Principles, and is also responsible for implementing the Operating Principles for Impact Management and annual updating of MUFG ES Policy.

Masato Nakamura, Founding Partner, GLIN Impact Capital

Masato Nakamura is Founding Partner of GLIN Impact Capital. While earning MBA at Harvard Business School, he served as the President of the Impact Investment Club and worked for the Acumen Fund, a pioneer in impact investing, and developed expertise and network in impact/ESG investment sector.


Katsuji Imata, President, SIMI (Social Impact Management Initiative)


Date: Tuesday, June 21, 20:00-21:30 (EDT) / Wednesday, June 22, 9:00-10:30 (JST), 2022

Co-organized by:
GSG NAB Japan (Global Steering Group for Impact Investment National Advisory Board Japan)
Impact-Driven Finance Initiative, Japan
SIIF (Social Innovation and Investment Foundation)
SIMI (Social Impact Management Initiative, Japan)

Language: English

Admission: Free