A New Training Program for Financial Practitioners Creating Impact-Oriented Capital Flows

The “Impact Analyst Training” is a practical training program to educate “impact analysts” who can provide funding while optimizing social and environmental impact, as funders willing to solve social issues and create value.

As social and environmental issues become very serious, diverse, and complex, both domestically and globally, ESG investments that consider environmental, social, and governance issues have become mainstream and are growing to account for one-third of the world’s assets under management. The impact investment market, which focuses more on the intention to solve social issues, has begun to move from its dawn to its growth phase, with the balance of impact investments in Japan amounting to 1,320.4 billion yen*¹.

The “Impact Analyst Training” will be conducted by instructors who are at the forefront of leading-edge impact finance initiatives domestically and globally. Through a variety of case studies and practical assignment, you will learn about the latest trends in impact finance*², as well as “Impact Measurement & Management (IMM)” to appropriately capture and optimize social impact*³. Domestic and global social and environmental issues are becoming increasingly serious, diverse, and complex, and there is an urgent need to resolve these issues. We believe that the spread of funding based on this concept of “social impact” and the spread of funding to all those who are responsible for solving social issues is necessary for the future society.

*1 Global Steering Group for Impact Investment (GSG) Domestic Advisory Committee (2022) “Current Status and Issues of Impact Investment in Japan 2021
*2 indicates “an initiative that intends to have an impact on the environment, society, and the economy while ensuring an appropriate risk-return structure” (Reference: Ministry of the Environment, High-Level Panel on ESG Finance, Positive Impact Finance Task Force (2022), “Basic Approach to Impact Finance”).
*3 “Social and environmental outcomes resulting from the business or activity, including both short-term and long-term changes” (Reference: Cabinet Office, “Toward Promoting Social Impact Assessment” (March 2016) and SIMI “Social Impact Management Guidelines Ver2 (2021)”)


This training program seeks to educate individuals with skills and networks as “impact analysts” within financial and investment institutions, various foundations and endowments, and other funding organizations, and to promote products, business, and program development with the intention of creating impact.


- Basic Course -

Through lectures and assignments by a variety of lecturers, including practitioners and academics in Japan, you will learn comprehensive basic knowledge of impact finance and impact measurement & management (IMM).

- Advanced Course -

This course will help you step up to the practical stage through acquiring knowledge and simulating experiences to properly practice impact measurement and management (IMM) in impact finance. Content is provided in partnership with Impact Frontiers.

- Selective Course -

Through single-selective courses (seminars and videos) available in on-demand format, you will learn deeply about various themes and topics related to impact finance.


If you would like to

We recommend
"Basic Course"

to acquire a comprehensive understanding of the fundamentals.

If you would like to

We recommend
"Advanced Course"

to learn more practical skills.

If you would like to

We recommend
"Selective Course"

to learn more about a variety of themes and topics.


The Social Impact Management Initiative (SIMI) is a multi-sector initiative to promote “Social Impact Management” throughout Japan by bringing together a diverse range of members, including businesses, funders and funding intermediaries, government agencies, intermediary support organizations and think tanks, evaluators and researchers.

With the vision of “a society in which social impact management is integrated to solve social issues and create social value,” we are creating Social Impact Management Guidelines, holding “Social Impact Day” and various seminars and training programs, and participating in global networks. As of January 2022, more than 200 individuals and organizations are joining us.

This training project is being implemented as a collaborative project with the Japan Foundation.